Proud Of You Simone Biles


I am beyond miffed to read all the negative comments hurled at Simone Biles. Really? Have people forgotten she was molested by her team doctor? All shame should go to the organization that protected her predator all these years.
Simone suffered more trauma than most people will in a lifetime. Are people that shallow? Or are they so enamored with winning at all costs? I can’t comprehend this rush to label her a quitter or soft. We live in a messed-up world right now. I think those passing judgments have too much time on their hands. When is it ever okay to put your life at risk just for the sake of winning?

The ignorant non-gymnasts labeling her a Quitter are clueless on what could have occurred when Simone balked mid-air and accidentally did a 1.5 instead of a 2.5. Had she not landed on her feet, she could have suffered life-threatening injuries.

I am so proud of Simone for knowing her limits. In my opinion, she is deserving of praise, not disdain for her courage. Her track records and all she has done for the sports of gymnastics speak volumes. What she is going through right now might be insurmountable. Instead of condemnation, you would think people would sprint to help her instead.

I am hoping Simone will continue to thrive. Whether she continues with gymnastics is not more important than her mental health. She is not responsible for making her teammates gold winners. Why put that enormous responsibility on the shoulders of one person? Simone, you will always be THE GOAT, and you are a WINNER!

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